G Design + Communications


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2018 WebAward Winner: More Recognition for Young Heroes Website


The work of the Young Heroes website team has been honored with another award. In addition to GDUSA’s American Web Design award, the site has been recognized as an Outstanding Website | 2018 WebAwards winner in the nonprofit category.

The WebAwards competition is produced by the Web Marketing Association (WMA) whose mission is to help set a high standard of excellence for Internet marketing and development of the best websites, and improve the quality of online advertising, internet marketing, and website promotion. The WebAwards is in its 17th year. It is the longest running international website awards competition covering 96 industries.

The Young Heroes website was more than a decade old and needed updating – both in branding and development. Our journey to relaunch the website began with a small budget and a committed team.

In recognizing our team with this Outstanding Achievement in web development, WMA judges noted:

"Great site. Simple, clean navigation, fantastic images from Gary Irving, compelling copy to drive donations. Well done! Also, good use of social media to extend the brand.”

My website team included founder Steve Kallaugher, as copywriter and flexible collaborator; Senior Designer Jouna Saza, bringing her considerable knowledge in layout design and typography to realization; Wordpress Developer Alfredo Mercedes, contributing his deep expertise in creating a lightweight, responsive site accessible for slow and intermittent internet connections; Database Developer Brendan Butts, using his extensive skills in restructuring the database for a smoother user experience; and Principle Photographer Gary Irving, a longtime Young Heroes collaborator, generously providing his powerful portraits of the people of Eswatini as the focus of the site.

Located in Eswatini, Africa, Young Heroes is a small nonprofit founded in 2006 that provides food, clothing and hope for HIV/AIDS orphans and vulnerable children – helping the children survive and thrive.

Thanks to my colleagues for your dedication and commitment to this project and congratulations!

Visit the Young Heroes winner page and view my Young Heroes project page here.